How to allow Arsen phishing simulations using headers on Exchange 2010?
This procedure enables you to authorize our phishing simulations on your employees' email addresses by identifying our simulations using a specific header on Exchange 2010.
This method is recommended if you have a filtering solution upstream of your receiving servers.
Open the Exchange Administration Console (Exchange Management Console or EMC).
Open Organization Configuration in the left sidebar and click on Hub Transport.
Under Actions in the right sidebar, select New Transport Rule.

Enter a name for your transport rule: Whitelist Arsen Simulation Phishing and click Next.

For the first step, Step 1: Select condition(s), select when the message header contains specific words.
For Step 2:
Select message header and enter the header available in the Arsen application in Phishing > X-Header. Don't hesitate to ask our support team to send you your customized header.
Select specific words" and enter "true."
Click Next.
On the next screen, for Step 1, select action "set the spam confidence level to a value."
For Step 2, configure the Spam confidence level (SCL) threshold to -1 and click Next.

Click Next to create the rule, then select New to continue.

This method is recommended if you have a filtering solution upstream of your receiving servers.
Open the Exchange Administration Console (Exchange Management Console or EMC).
Open Organization Configuration in the left sidebar and click on Hub Transport.
Under Actions in the right sidebar, select New Transport Rule.

Enter a name for your transport rule: Whitelist Arsen Simulation Phishing and click Next.

For the first step, Step 1: Select condition(s), select when the message header contains specific words.
For Step 2:
Select message header and enter the header available in the Arsen application in Phishing > X-Header. Don't hesitate to ask our support team to send you your customized header.
Select specific words" and enter "true."
Click Next.
On the next screen, for Step 1, select action "set the spam confidence level to a value."
For Step 2, configure the Spam confidence level (SCL) threshold to -1 and click Next.

Click Next to create the rule, then select New to continue.

Updated on: 12/11/2024
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