How to use the campaigns list?
To access the data collected during campaigns, you must first know how to use the campaigns list. To access it, click on Campaigns in the Phishing Simulation category.

Possible actions on the campaigns list:
You can search for a particular campaign by name using the search field.

By clicking the New Campaign button, you can create a new campaign.

By clicking on the name of a campaign in the list, you can access its data directly.

You have the launch date of the campaign.

You have the name of the scenario used in the campaign.

You have a status column that allows you to know the status of the campaign.
The statuses applied to campaigns and visible in the campaigns list are as follows:
Pending : Pending: the campaign is scheduled
Running : Running: the campaign is being sent
Processing : Processing: the campaign has been sent to all targets, but events are still being collected.
Completed : Completed: the campaign is finished.

Finally, you have an Actions column, through which you can display the details of the campaign or terminate it, i.e. close data acquisition.

Possible actions on the campaigns list:
You can search for a particular campaign by name using the search field.

By clicking the New Campaign button, you can create a new campaign.

By clicking on the name of a campaign in the list, you can access its data directly.

You have the launch date of the campaign.

You have the name of the scenario used in the campaign.

You have a status column that allows you to know the status of the campaign.
The statuses applied to campaigns and visible in the campaigns list are as follows:
Pending : Pending: the campaign is scheduled
Running : Running: the campaign is being sent
Processing : Processing: the campaign has been sent to all targets, but events are still being collected.
Completed : Completed: the campaign is finished.

Finally, you have an Actions column, through which you can display the details of the campaign or terminate it, i.e. close data acquisition.

Updated on: 15/02/2023
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