📘 Microsoft integrations
How can I use the Microsoft Report Phishing add-in with Arsen?
It is important that your employees are able to report an email that appears suspicious to them, and that this report can be automatically escalated to Arsen in case it's a simulation or sent to the email address of your choice in the event it's a genuine phishing attempt. Pros and Cons compared to the Arsen Phish Report buttFew readersHow can I use the Arsen Phish Report add-in on Outlook ?
The Arsen Phish Report button allows your employees to easily and securely report a potential phishing email to your IT security service. If the email comes from an Arsen simulation, the target’s status will be marked as “Reported” on the Arsen platform. If the email does not come from Arsen simulation, it is forwarded to the email of your choice (usually a SecOps email address) and then deleted from the user's mailbox. Summary Prerequisite : Prerequisites for installing the Arsen PhisSome readers