Duplicate a scenario
How to customize my phishing simulation scenario?
When editing a scenario to modify it, start by changing the scenario details. Click on Duplicate when you have found the suitable scenario from the available scenario library. Customizing a scenario involves 4οΈβ£ steps: Modify the scenario details such as name, language, and explanation of the scenario's flow. Modify the phishFew readersHow to modify the phishing email in my scenario?
To modify the phishing email and include personalized elements, click on Duplicate on the scenario thumbnail from the scenarios list. Once you have entered the details, click Next. Summary Modifying general email information Modifying email body (2-modFew readersHow to modify the credentials phishing landing page?
Before launching a campaign, you may feel the need to modify a scenario. First, you'll need to complete the scenario details, then modify the phishing email, then modify the landing page, and finally modify the training page. Modifying the landing page is one of the 4οΈβ£ steps in modifying a scenario,Few readersHow to edit the training page?
Before launching a campaign, you can modify a scenario. First, you will need to modify the email details, then the phishing email, and finally the landing page, leading to the modification of the training page. Modifying the training page is the last step in modifying a scenariFew readers